

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

As in previous years, as part of our Carbon & Charitable Policies we no longer post out Christmas cards or gifts, but instead support our trust within the Suffolk Foundation, who in turn, then generate additional government matched-funding for many different local charities in this part of the UK. Our chosen areas of support are youth projects, the elderly and our local hospices.

But in addition to this – well done to many of the Debach team who joined in with the Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day on the 12th December. We raised over £100 and with match-funding this goes up to £200 for the charity!! I think Barry’s home-made jumper was the clear winner but commendations to Rob’s turkey head-piece and Roger’s “with bells on” – well done everyone. Happy Christmas and here’s looking forward to a great 2015.

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Spring Is In The Air

Spring has sprung at last, and while we are busy helping our customers prepare for the Easter & Bank Holidays, with daffodils out and winter coats put away – we had to spare a thought to those people down in the South West of the UK – many of whom are still struggling with the aftermath of the flooding. Their winter will not be so easily forgotten!! So to that end, when we received a call from the Suffolk Young Farmers desperate to find transport companies who might help them move forage from here down to Bridgewater – our Transport Operator, Joe, managed to rustle up 4 vehicles and support this worthwhile endeavour.
Suffolk farmers supplied the forage, YF volunteers co-ordinated, gathered and loaded vehicles, Debach supplied the transport, Forkrent supplied the loading equipment and the Suffolk Agricultural Association supplied the storage hub – hopefully through this team effort our little county has helped make the seasons ahead more manageable for those in the SW trying to look after stock & horses.
We must also say a big thank you to our newest customer Besana UK Ltd, who will be fully operational with us by April, in assisting us with back-loads from the SW at this time. It was a great way to start our new partnership, with this forward-thinking Italian food company.

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Happy New Year!

The wet and windy weather is continuing into 2014 here in the UK, and after our great British climate tried its best to make the Christmas rush as difficult as possible, we now just want to see an end to the disruption caused by the wind and flooding – fingers crossed!!  At least the days are getting longer (hard to tell, I know), and now the New Year is here, we are busy working with our customers on their spring stock & promotions; so whilst it might still be nasty outside, it’s great to be planning for balmy days ahead.

It is exciting times for us, as we continue to work on implementing a large new customer here at our Ipswich site, so that they can be fully operational by April this year.  Another fabulous reason to be looking beyond our current wintery weather to all that spring will bring!!  So a Happy New Year to all – and let’s ignore the blustery skies and look forward to all that’s to come –  including some sun – hopefully!!!

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All brand new

Welcome to my first blog on our fabulous new website!! We are loving our new Debach branding, which we have now unrolled over all our sites, the whole fleet, as well as new uniforms and all Company information – it has required a huge effort to organise, but we think the finished look has been worth it! (more…)

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